- First come, first serve basis.
- Goods sold are not refundable or exchangeable.
- Swapping is not allowed.
- COD is not unavailable.
- Payment must be made within 48 hours after confirmation of purchase. After the period has expired and payment has not been made, we will make the item(s) available again.(The item is considered pending ONLY after the order form is submitted :))
- Prices stated exclude postage cost.
- Colour of the items may differ from the pictures (caused by lighting and other factors).
- We are not responsible for any lost or damage of items during delivery.
- Buyers are to bear postage fees.
- Minimum order must be at least RM10 (excluding postage fees).
- The owner reserves the righ to make changes in price, content, description, terms at any time without notice.
- If you wish to back out your order before payment is made within 48 hours, kindly tell us.
- After you've submitted your order, be patient while waiting for our confirmation letter which tells you amount to be paid and the bank account number (;
Goods sold here are all PRELOVED otherwise stated (=
- All clothes are in good condition and do not have defects unless stated.
- All clothes are washed before even for those which have not been worn. (otherwise stated/ except for brand new clothes)
- All CDs sold here are 100% original.
- Condition of CDs are judged by the disc itself. (surface scratches.. etc)
- Do request for pictures of the disc condition if you're interested in buying the CD.
- I can't guarantee if the cds have no defects while playing therefore I sell them at very low prices. Please understand that they are secondhand cds.
- More pictures of an item from different views/angles (eg. back, side view) can be posted upon request
- Pictures from this site are all taken by me. If you want to use them, please let me know via the 'contact us' form or email to me at fullhousepreloved@hotmail.com
- Feedbacks are welcomed (=
Your cooperation is much appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to read this and happy shopping! :D